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Developer Guide


Flash Card manager for Economics students on Command Line.

See also: User Guide Releases Team Project Portfolio Page



Application Architecture


The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the Flash Card Manager Application.

Main is responsible for initializing the other components in the program and linking them up correctly.

How the components interact with one another

The following Sequence Diagram shows how the components interact for a basic create <deck name> command where a new deck is created and added in to the Deck List.

Sequence Diagram The sequence shown is as follows:

User Interface

API: seedu/ecardnomics/

The Ui contains String constants that represent the outputs that the application is defined to produce.

The Ui component has two main purposes:

Reading of user input is done using the method readUserInput() which reads one line of user input. The other methods within Ui are called when a specific output needs to be printed.

The Ui component passes the user input to the NormalParser, DeckParser and GameParser components that will extract the relevant information. The Ui component provides its printing methods to NormalParser, DeckParser and GameParser for printing the appropriate output when required.


Overall Logic

This is an overview of interactions between objects in eCardnomics program.

DG-Overall Logic

  1. The overall logic component consists of the Parser class and Command class.
  2. The Parser parses the user input and creates the respective Command object.
  3. This command will be executed by the Main class.
  4. The command execution then can affect the Model (e.g. creating a new deck)



DG-Parser UML

There are three types of parsers: NormalParser, DeckParser and GameParser. They will be executed corresponding to the mode users are in. Users input in Normal Mode, Deck Mode or Game Mode will be parsed using the respective parser. All are children classes of abstract class Parser, where there are three abstract methods:

Three Parsers will parse inputs from user and turns them to valid arguments for Command object creation. NormalParser will return NormalCommand, DeckParser will return DeckCommand and GameParser will return GameCommand. And all three can create everywhere Command such as ExitCommand.



DG-Design Commands UML

API: seedu.ecardnomics/command

Commands are primarily classified into three categories, NormalCommand, DeckCommand, and GameCommand, corresponding to the application’s Normal, Deck, and Game Modes, respectively. All three are abstract children derived from the overarching abstract class Command. The basis Command class is defined as such:

public abstract class Command {
    public abstract void execute();

It only requires that all derived children implement the execute() method. The only two classes not belonging to individual modes are ExitCommand and VoidCommand. The former is so that users can call the command exit from anywhere in the application, while the latter is a catch-all “command” for all erroneous commands a user enters.

Mode-specific commands

The specific commands defined within the different Modes are shown below; one can simply substitute the Normal Mode Commands, Game Mode Commands and Deck Mode Commands components in the above UML class diagram with the corresponding Command classes, with all of the classes inheriting from the corresponding abstract classes, and being associated (with arrows pointing towards) with the corresponding Parser classes.

DG-Design Commands Breakdown

Notice that the same StartCommand class above is indicated as being in both Normal Mode and Deck Mode. While the diagram does not explain this phenomenon fully, the idea is there: that start is a command that can be run from within Deck Mode, but that its implementation is passed to NormalParser to be handled as a Normal Mode command . More specifically, within the specification of DeckParser’s parseCommand() method, the case of command word being parsed as start will in turn call NormalParser’s parseCommand() method, supplementing it with DeckParser’s Deck class field object as the arguments String.

Parser and Command sequence

The Parser classes play important roles in execution of specific commands, e.g. CreateCommand, because they define methods that check and ensure the conformity of user input to the commands’ expected input. Below is a sequence diagram showcasing this interaction, for execution of a CreateCommand, e.g. create microeconomics:

DG-Design CreateCommand Sequence UML

Here, parse() first splits the user input create microeconomics into two strings, “create” and “microeconomics”, the command word and command arguments respectively. Then within the parseCommand() call in NormalParser, a dedicated method to create a new deck based on the argument string “microeconomics”, prepareNewDeck(), is called . A new Deck object is returned to the same parseCommand() call and used to create the new CreateCommand object, which is then propagated back to Main (not shown here) that called parse().

Note that the CreateCommand object is not marked as deleted in the above diagram because its lifeline does not really end until its execute() method has been called from Main, using Main’s executeCommand().

Deck Model

DG-Design Model UML

API: seedu/ecardnomics/deck

The Deck Model component is made up of three parts:

The FlashCard component represents a flashcard, storing question and answer data. The Deck represents a collection of flashcards related by a common topic. The DeckList represents the collection of all the Deck objects that the user has.

Only the Command components can modify the DeckList, Deck and FlashCard components. However, Ui, DeckParser and NormalParser are able to read data from the DeckList, Deck and FlashCard components.


Loading the deckList data

Storage Sequence Diagram

API: seedu/ecardnomics/storage

Storage of this application uses basic .txt read and write functions.
Upon start of the program, the application checks whether there is a ./data folder and creates one if there isn’t.
Then, it reads from the storage file deckList.txt line by line to create:

and adds them to the current deckList passed into the load method call.

Writing the deckList data

Similarly, for writing the data into .txt file, the Storage will loop through all the current Decks and their current FlashCards and write them in a specific format in the text file in the ./data folder.


DG-Design Exceptions Architecture

API: seedu/ecardnomics/exceptions

How to read the diagram above:

Implementation - Features

An additional feature targeted at students who wish to add more style to their flash cards outside of the command line option to keep things interesting when they are revising.

The PowerPointCommand is parsed by NormalParser but the “Print to PowerPoint” command can be called from both Normal and Deck Mode.

The following diagram shows how the PowerPointCommand’s execute() calls the createNewPowerPoint() method of PowerPoint. execute() first checks if the whether isPptxCreated is true and only creates the PowerPoint if so. This is necessary as the user might have input the command pptx but when prompted for confirmation, they input n which means no, but the parser will still output a PowerPointCommand except with the element isPptxCreated as false and thus, when executed, nothing happens.

PPTX Sequence Diagram

The newIntroSlide(), newSlide() and exportSlide() method of PowerPoint uses a third party library - Apache POI to create new slides, populate them with the questions and answers from the deck and finally print them out to a new PowerPoint file in the pptx folder under the name <deck name>.pptx.

The following are the Classes/ Enum of the third party package org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel which are used:

Color Selection

The 3 modes of Color Selection, DEFAULT, COLOR_SCHEME and ORIGINAL_COLOR are stored in the enum ColorOption.

The java.awt.Color class itself has no methods to generate colors based on a given string. Thus, I used the ColorFactory API which has a public static method, valueOf() which takes in a string and outputs a Color object if the String matches any of the available colors documented here. This is done in the constructor of PowerPoint where bgColor = ColorFactory.valueOf(bgColorString) (same for txtColor).

Each instance of PowerPoint has an element of the enum ColorOption, colorOpt, which decides which of the outputs to print back to the user. NormalParser’s preparePptxCommand create a PowerPointCommand instance using different constructors depending on the mode of Color Selection. The PowerPointCommand then creates a PowerPoint instance with the respective constructor the assigns the respective value of colorOpt. Below are the PowerPointCommand and PowerPoint constructors used in each mode.

PPTX Color Options Sequence Diagram


Color Scheme

Original Color

Exceptions Thrown by Parsers for pptx command

Normal Parser:

Deck Parser: * checkForValidPptxArguments() * If any other arguments other than the 3 options are present for pptx command in Deck mode, the exception, InvalidPptxArgumentException will be thrown. * Just like preparePptxCommand() from NormalParser, the function also checks for invalid options and throw InvalidOptions when there are any.

Pretty Printing

The purpose of this feature is to improve the readability of the command line text output for the user, in particular, the question and answer fields of a flashcard . Without this feature, long text outputs would follow the default wrapping style of the console. When words are truncated unnecessarily, it is going to be distracting and annoying for students trying to study. We illustrate the problem with the following example:

This is a long question (or maybe answer) field. Suppose tha
t our console is 60 characters wide, we see that the word "t
hat" was truncated in the first line and again in the second

In this section, we define the following terms:

The prettyPrintFormatter(String target, int offset) static method of the Ui class takes as argument the target string to be formatted for printing as well as the offset. The formatted String is returned to the caller for printing. This is illustrated in the following sequence diagram:



The lifeline on the left represents the calling method that requires a formatted string. The printMethod() is a placeholder for any of the printing methods of Ui class. The call to System.out.println is omitted. Minimal notation is used for the return of control to the calling method.

The offset parameter specifies the number of characters already printed on the line before the target string will be printed.

prettyPrintFormatter() places as many words as possible on each line until the next word does not fit within the usableLength of the current line. This word is therefore placed on the next line and the process repeats until all the words have been formatted into the response. If the length of a single word exceeds the usableLength, the word is split across multiple lines to prevent the program from looping infinitely as it would never be able to fit the word on any line.

Take note that infinite loops can still occur if prettyPrintFormatter() is called with offset >= lineLength

Tags for grouping and searching decks

The purpose of this feature is to provide a means to group the decks based on their subjects and search for relevant decks related to one or more relevant subjects in a robust way. Each created deck will be tagged to their respective field.


The user can also modify the tags of the decks by using tag or untag command, and use search by tag to find a group of decks he/she is interested in.


Game Mode

eCardnomics’ quintessential mode. Game Mode can be started from either Normal Mode or Deck Mode. The start command is parsed by NormalParser (see Commands).

General Architecture

Game Mode contains two main components: a storage component, GameStorage, and a logic component, GameEngine. The former handles all data structures used by Game Mode, and stores the original deck (originalDeck), question pool (deque), and retest question pool (retestStore). The latter executes the main game loop (runGameLoop ()), and interacts with GameStorage on package-private basis; i.e., GameEngine and GameStorage have full mutual access as if they were a single class. This is one of the main intentional design decisions.


The schematic below describes the individual responsibilities of the GameStorage and GameEngine classes (or components) of Game Mode as introduced above, and also two key interactions between the two classes, namely via GameEngine’s update(isResponseY:boolean, flashCard:FlashCard) and poseQuestion() method calls. For context, poseQuestion() pops the top flash card off GameStorage’s question pool deque to display to the user , while update() is the GameEngine method that adds to the retest question pool retestStore when the user chooses to do so (via isResponseY == true). This essentially describes one iteration of runGameLoop(); more explanation and a full-blown illustration and sequence are given further below.


See also: Gameplay description

The actual “game” aspect of eCardnomics is essentially summarised in the runGameLoop() high-level overview above . For a textual gameplay description, check out the “See also” link.

Example Use Case

For a more contextual use case, consider the following scenario of Econs Wiz attempting the Game Mode for the first deck, Demand-Supply, in his deck list.

Note: Focus on the biggest box in the diagram!


API: seedu/ecardnomics/game

Since there are quite a few things going on in this diagram, here are the key takeaways (the last of which arguably the most important):

Sequential Flow

For a more formal sequential flow of the inner workings of Game Mode, the following elaborates the execution sequence of Game Mode, from after a start command has been parsed in Normal Mode:


In the above diagram the key takeaway is the existence of an intermediary game:Game object that holds GameEngine and GameStorage together. In fact, this is the sole purpose of the Game class: to hold the current game instance, in a Single-Responsibility-Principle (SRP) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) manner. This intermediary role of the Game class is also illustrated in the upper part of the earlier use case diagram. Note how it is from this game object that the main game loop, run and managed by GameEngine, is started.


The main game loop. As with all simple games, this flash card game mode is fundamentally built on the concept of a possibly never-ending game loop with specific end conditions. In this case, the main end condition is explicitly that the command object that is parsed and returned upon the getAttempt() call (that prompts the user for an answer attempt) is either a DoneGameCommand or ExitCommand.

This is not the only end condition, though, because the other important but implicit end scenario is when the question pool is exhausted (i.e., storage.deque is empty) and the retest question pool (storage.retestStore ) is empty.

Naturally, the other sequence of special note here is the whole update() sequence, and even more specifically the updateDeque() call within the update() sequence. Notice how updateDeque() calls createRandomisedStack(storage.retestStore) with the retestStore as argument. This essentially creates a new randomised question pool from the retest question pool.

Notice how this updateDeque() sequence is only called exactly when the storage.deque is empty (i.e., when all questions have been popped off the question pool). This is important because it ensures that the user encounters all available questions in the deque at least once before the retest questions are later displayed. Cross-check this with the detailed descriptions of the inner workings of the game loop implementation shown in the earlier architecture and use case diagrams.

Lastly, notice how refreshRetestStore() is called at the end of updateDeque() to, as its name suggests, clear the retest question pool to get ready to store the next wave of retest questions. This is also covered in the bottom few lines of the GameEngine portion of the use case diagram.

Product scope

Target user profile

Junior College Economics Students.

Anybody > Students > Students in courses with high amount of content > Economics students > Junior College Economics students (focus on theory than calculations)

Value proposition

Flashcard application that allows students to quickly create new flashcards and access flashcards quickly on the command line to enhance their studying experience, and ultimately be an aid for active recall.

User Stories

Version As a(n) … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 poor student have small computer programs run it on my old computer
v1.0 fast typist have an easily-navigable interface to type up notes and store them create and manage notes quickly and efficiently
v1.0 smart student be able to use the system effectively and efficiently save time and maximise my productivity
v1.0 JC econs student quickly create short notes of key concepts keep up during lectures and tutorials
v1.0 tech-savvy student have a software tool to store my notes stop needing to worry about losing my hardcopy notes
v1.0 lazy student create flashcards to keep my notes concise learn at a comfortable, incrementing pace
v2.0 organised student have my notes be stored in a systematic way retrieve them quickly and easily
v2.0 student have a system that can categorise material into different topics quickly revise all the content for a topic when studying for an exam
v2.0 hardworking student have a studying system that can help me memorise content in a non-traditional manner remember all the facts during an exam through active recall
v2.0 busy student have my notes available outside of CLI study while on the go and not waste any time

Non-Functional Requirements


Instructions for manual testing

Starting the program:

  1. Download the ecardnomics.jar file and copy it into an empty folder where read, write and execute permissions are allowed.
  2. Run the command java -jar ecardnomics.jar in a command line terminal to start the program.

Creating a deck:

  1. Prerequisite: Listing all decks with decks does not show any entry ‘test deck’ or ‘tag deck’.
  2. Test case: create test deck
    Expected: Listing all decks with decks shows the entry ‘test deck’.
  3. Test case: create test deck after running the above test
    Expected: Error message shown. Listing all decks with decks shows only one entry ‘test deck’.
  4. Test case: create tag deck /tag test
    Expected: Listing all decks with decks shows the entry ‘tag deck’ with tag ‘test’.

Deleting a deck:

  1. Prerequisite: Listing all decks with decks shows at least two decks.
  2. Test case: delete 1 followed by y when prompted
    Expected: First deck deleted from the list.
  3. Test case: delete 1 followed by n when prompted
    Expected: First deck not deleted from the list.
  4. Test case: delete 1 followed by any input that is not ‘y/n’ surrounded with spaces when prompted
    Expected: First deck not deleted from the list. Error message shown.
  5. Test case: delete 1 -y
    Expected: First deck deleted from the list.
  6. Test case: delete 0 -y
    Expected: No deck deleted from the list. Error message shown.

Tagging and untagging a deck:

  1. Prerequisite: Listing all decks with decks shows at least one deck.
  2. Test case: tag 1 /tag testing followed by y when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with decks shows the first entry with tag ‘testing’.
  3. Test case: tag 1 /tag testing followed by n when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with decks shows the first entry without tag ‘testing’.
  4. Test case: untag 1 /tag testing followed by y when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with decks shows the first entry without tag ‘testing’.
  5. Test case: tag 1 /tag
    Expected: Error message shown.
  6. Test case: untag 1 /tag
    Expected: Error message shown.

Searching a deck by tag:

  1. Prerequisite: There exists at least one deck with tag ‘test’. There are no decks with tag ‘LOL’.
  2. Test case: search test
    Expected: All decks tagged with ‘test’ together with their index numbers are shown.
  3. Test case: search LOL
    Expected: The search returns no results.

Printing a deck to PowerPoint:

  1. Prerequisite: There exist at least one deck and any PowerPoint with the ‘deck name’.pptx is not in use.
  2. Test case: pptx 1 followed by y when prompted
    Expected: A PowerPoint, ‘deck name’.pptx is created with white background and black text.
  3. Test case: pptx 1 -y
    Expected: A PowerPoint, ‘deck name’.pptx is created with white background and black text.
  4. Test case: pptx 1 -y -cs 1
    Expected: A PowerPoint, ‘deck name’.pptx is created with steelblue background and silver text.
  5. Test case: pptx 1 -y -oc black red
    Expected: A PowerPoint, ‘deck name’.pptx is created with black background and red text.
  6. Test case: pptx 1 -y -cs black red
    Expected: No PowerPoint is created. Error message shown.
  7. Test case: pptx 1 -y -cs 11
    Expected: No PowerPoint is created. Error message shown.
  8. Test case: pptx 1 -y -oc block red
    Expected: No PowerPoint is created. Error message shown.
  9. Test case: pptx 1 -y -cs 1 -oc black red
    Expected: No PowerPoint is created. Error message shown.
  10. Test case: pptx 1 -y -cc 11
    Expected: No PowerPoint is created. Error message shown.

Editing a deck:

  1. Prerequisite: There exists at least one deck.
  2. Test case: edit 1
    Expected: Program enters deck mode for the first deck.
  3. Test case: edit -1
    Expected: Program remains in normal mode. Error message shown.

Adding a flashcard:

  1. Prerequisite: In deck mode.
  2. Test case: add followed by ‘question’ and ‘answer’ when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with list /ans shows the entry for the new flashcard.
  3. Test case: add question /ans answer
    Expected: Listing all decks with list /ans shows the entry for the new flashcard.
  4. Test case: add question/answer followed by ‘answer’ when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with list /ans shows the entry for the new flashcard.
  5. Test case: add /ans
    Expected: No flashcard added to the deck. Error message shown.
  6. Test case: add /ans answer
    Expected: No flashcard added to the deck. Error message shown.

Deleting a flashcard:

  1. Prerequisite: In deck mode, listing all flashcards in current deck with list shows at least two flashcards.
  2. Test case: delete 1 followed by y when prompted
    Expected: First flashcard deleted from the list.
  3. Test case: delete 1 followed by n when prompted
    Expected: First flashcard not deleted from the list.
  4. Test case: delete 1 followed by any input that is not ‘y/n’ surrounded with spaces when prompted
    Expected: First flashcard not deleted from the list. Error message shown.
  5. Test case: delete 1 -y
    Expected: First flashcard deleted from the list.
  6. Test case: delete 0 -y
    Expected: No flashcard deleted from the list. Error message shown.

Updating a flashcard:

  1. Prerequisite: In deck mode with at least one flashcard with question ‘test’ and answer ‘testing’
  2. Test case: update 1 followed by ‘question’ and ‘answer’ when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with list /ans shows that the entry for the first flashcard is updated.
  3. Test case: update 1 followed by ‘ ‘ and ‘answer’ when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with list /ans shows that the answer for the first flashcard is updated.
  4. Test case: update 1 followed by ‘question’ and ‘ ‘ when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with list /ans shows that the question for the first flashcard is updated.
  5. Test case: update 1 followed by ‘ ‘ and ‘ ‘ when prompted
    Expected: Listing all decks with list /ans shows that the question for the first flashcard is not updated.

Starting game mode:

  1. Prerequisite: In normal mode or deck mode with at least one deck with at least one flashcard
  2. Test case: In normal mode, start 1
    Expected: Starts game mode for deck at index 1.
  3. Test case: In deck mode, start
    Expected: Starts game mode for current deck.
  4. Test case: While in game mode and prompted for an attempt, simply <enter> with no attempt
    Expected: Answer for the question displayed and score 0.00.
  5. Test case: While in game mode and prompted for an attempt, enter done or exit
    Expected: done returns user to normal mode, exit exits the program.
  6. Test case: While in game mode and prompted for an attempt, enter any attempt
    Expected: Answer for the question displayed and some score displayed calculated based on matching words.
  7. Test case: While in game mode and prompted for an attempt, enter any attempt, followed by ‘y’ when next prompted , then subsequently enter ‘n’ for all y/n prompts
    Expected: All questions in the deck are exhausted before user re-encounters the flashcard for which they indicated ‘y’.
  8. Test case: While in game mode, try to figure out the pattern for the appearance of flashcards
    Expected: There is no such pattern. The flashcards are always randomised, even for retest questions.

Saving data to disk:

  1. After starting the program, the directory “data” should be created.
    1. After program terminates, verify that the file “data/deckList” exists and contains data that corresponds to the commands supplied during program execution.
  2. During execution, the directory “log” should be created.
  3. If a pptx command is executed, the “pptx” directory should be created.
    1. After the command is executed, verfiy that “pptx/" exists for the deck that was converted to PowerPoint format.